Rebuttal: How could they possibly defend what they think is right if they are even ashamed of pointing out their arguments. they are hesitant to voice it put because they are afraid to get corrected. their not actually breve like warriors because they're scared.
2. Misunderstanding - some people want to dominate other peoples ideas. as known of humans to be the highest form of animal they tend to think of themselves as always right and because there are a lo
t of human / people having different ideas and opinion they start arguing.
Rebuttal: They don't misunderstand each other instead this helps them to become united because after all the arguments they all agree to one thing and that's where they're all united.

Rebuttal: They don't misunderstand each other instead this helps them to become united because after all the arguments they all agree to one thing and that's where they're all united.
3. To learn or share ideas about the motion being discussed. Because you might encounter ideas that you do not know or is new to you. Bright ideas that you are able to absorb or share to other participants.
Rebuttal: You don't get exactly ideas because some speaker even though they don't make sense at all they keep o rebutting squirrel ideas or viewpoint.
4. Pride - b
ecause people thinks he or she is much of higher intellect than the other and other also thinks that he or she is of more value so they start arguing.
Rebuttal: Its not about pride its because one wants to give way to the other and the other want to do the same thing too. They're not arguing because one think he's superior it's that they're just humble and good to give way to others. They think of others first.
Rebuttal: You don't get exactly ideas because some speaker even though they don't make sense at all they keep o rebutting squirrel ideas or viewpoint.
4. Pride - b

Rebuttal: Its not about pride its because one wants to give way to the other and the other want to do the same thing too. They're not arguing because one think he's superior it's that they're just humble and good to give way to others. They think of others first.
5. To to know who's the best between the two groups or simply compete to win. Tryi
ng to make sure that every ideas will bounce back to the one pointing it out.
Rebuttal: it's not the idea of competing with each other because you're not actually enemies in the first place. It's like friends discussing some things about the argument to check if you're view point is right or wrong in a proper way that both of you will nit develop any fight.
6. To develop critical thinking through analyzing the similarities and differences between differing viewpoints of individual and thinking of arguments to re butt his or her ideas. Finding what really is the weakness of the argument of the opponent and and make it an instrument for you to advance.
Rebuttal: Actually they do not really think of what they are saying. for example they say whatever they want to say even if they don't make sense at all.

Rebuttal: it's not the idea of competing with each other because you're not actually enemies in the first place. It's like friends discussing some things about the argument to check if you're view point is right or wrong in a proper way that both of you will nit develop any fight.
6. To develop critical thinking through analyzing the similarities and differences between differing viewpoints of individual and thinking of arguments to re butt his or her ideas. Finding what really is the weakness of the argument of the opponent and and make it an instrument for you to advance.
Rebuttal: Actually they do not really think of what they are saying. for example they say whatever they want to say even if they don't make sense at all.

Like the way I think..
7.To correct people because people on a debate sometimes talk about nonsensical things about the motion. We correct them through giving arguments with exact and or precise supporting ideas to make them believe about the possibilities of what we are arguing.

Rebuttal: they don't exactly get to correct the person when they are throwing out POI's or rebutting ideas or arguments. If they are talking nonsensical things I mean we are not dumb that we should let him or her correct us with his or her wrong argument.
"they are hesitant to voice it put because they are afraid to get corrected. their not actually breve like warriors because they're scared."
--->> Follow mechanics in writing. Capitalize the first letter of the first word in each sentence.
R.#5 doesn't sound like a rebuttal. -1.
"If they are talking nonsensical things I mean we are not dumb that we should let him or her correct us with his or her wrong argument."
--->> This is a bad sentence in terms of structure. :( Please do some repair.
Grade: 7.
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